Carollyne Sinclaire Artist
Capturing the Beauty of Colour, Light and Shadow

Art Log

(posted on 7 Jul 2022)

I had not noticed how windy it was the spring day I set out to the local town garden to photograph irises. No matter the shutter speed on my little camera, no matter how much I tried to block the wind, all the irises dodged before me, except this one which has won my heart.

During the successful Naramata Garden Tour I painted this little beauty with many compliments for it and the little roses on display. But I wasn't able to finish the intricate design of multiple greens at that time. Finessing a painting seems to take forever, as it was in the final stages that I discovered there were more irises in the image than I'd originally thought.

If one of you is iris savy, and I know there are a few, would you please do a count and let me know. Is it four or is it five irises in various states of development?

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